와 비슷하여 영어로
- next door
- 와: 와11 [기쁨의 환성] Hurrah!; [야] Gee!;
- 비슷하여: with common qualities; similarly; correspondingly
- 와 비슷하지 않은: dissimilar
- 비슷비슷하다: 비슷비슷하다 much the same; of a piece; of a[the same] sort. 생김새가 ~ look alike. 그들은 나이가 ~ They are about the same age. 그들은 키가 ~ They are all much the same in height. 두 사람은 솜씨가 ~ There is little differenc
- 비슷하게: correspondingly; similarly; with common qualities
- 비슷하다: 비슷하다1 =비스듬하다.비슷하다2 [거의 같다] similar; (a)like; resembling. 비슷한 사건 a similar incident. 이것과 비슷한 물건 an article similar to this. 그와 비슷한 이야기 a story like that / a similar tale. …과 비슷한 데가 있다 there is someth
- 비슷하지 않음: dissimilarity
- 엇비슷하다: 엇비슷하다 similar; like; kindred; akin ; analogous; be much[nearly] the same; be about and about. 두 사람의 실력은 ~ They are even in ability. / Their abilities are about the same. 엇비슷하게 알아 맞혔다 That isn't far
- 비슷하게 그리다: draw an analogy
- 어슷비슷하다: 어슷비슷하다 be much[nearly] the same; be much of a muchness; be almost similar; be six of one and half-a-dozen of the other; be about and about. 어느 것이나 ~ They are both of a hair[sort]. / It is six of on
- 와 비슷한: like
- 와 관련하여: in connection with
- 와 교차하여: across
- 와 대비하여: versus
- 와 비교하여: beside; versus